Sprain vs. Strain

Sprains and strains are common injuries that share similar signs and symptoms but involve different parts of the body. Adults and children who play contact sports such as soccer, football, wrestling, and hockey are put at risk for sprains and strains. So are folks who play sports that feature quick starts, such as running races or marathons. Regardless of the type of injury you encounter, at Catalina Medical Center, our doctors can treat it. But first, we’d like to let you know what the difference is between a sprain and a strain.

A sprain is a stretching or tearing of the ligaments – the tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect two bones together in your joints. The most common location for this type of injury is your ankle. A strain is defined as a stretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon. A tendon is a fibrous cord of tissue that connects muscles to bones. Strains have the tendency to occur in the lower back and in the hamstring muscle on the back of your thigh. Treatment for these injuries will depend on the cause.

If you have questions or concerns regarding chiropractic care or ergonomics, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.catalinamedical.com for more information. To schedule, an appointment with one of our doctors at Catalina Medical Center in Redondo Beach CA call 310-378-7246.


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