Vitamin D to Prevent Back Pain

As holistic health practitioners, we at the Catalina Medical Center want our patients to understand the importance of vitamin D. This vitamin plays a crucial part in processing of calcium and the development of bones, which are continually resorbing and regrowing throughout life. Deficiencies in vitamin D not only lead to osteoporosis and all its associated harm to the spinal column, but also to muscle and immune system dysfunction.

You’re probably familiar with dairy as a source of vitamin D, but a well-balanced diet contains plenty of excellent sources. Among them are fish, cereals, eggs, beef liver, mushrooms, and fortified orange juice (which also contains added calcium). People who wish to avoid meat or other animal products should consult with our nutritionists about supplements. Staying hydrated is also necessary for joint and disc health, and green leafy vegetables such as spinach are a commonly overlooked source of calcium, which vitamin D allows you to absorb.

The other major source of Vitamin D is sunlight. People with darker skin have more difficulty producing vitamin D, and older people often do not spend enough time outdoors to get sunlight in sufficient quantities. As the weather warms up, our patients will have more opportunities to work out in the sun, protecting them from osteoporosis and the muscle pain associated with vitamin D deficiency.

The Catalina Medical Center is located at 1919 S Catalina Ave, Redondo Beach, California, 90277. To schedule an appointment, visit Catalina Medical or call 310-378-7246.



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